Driving me mad

By Anonymous - 18/05/2017 22:00

Today, unbeknownst to me, my wife cancelled our airplane tickets because she didn't want to face her fear of flying like we had agreed. Now, we're going to have to take another week off so I can drive 3000 miles cross country, while she sleeps in the shotgun seat because her licence expired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 531
You deserved it 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why not try by train! The fear of flying is huge, and to be honest she may have agreed at the time to stop your asking. I don't know the whole situation, but I hope you can work it out!

Was it united airlines? If so sensible decision on her part!


I'd be terrible and buy her a bus ticket then rebook the airline ticket for myself. :/ but yeah that's not cool that she cancelled without telling you.

blasianbabe09 6

With an expired license she wouldn't have been able to get on the flight anyway ?

What? You don't need a driving license to be a passenger on a flight. Are you thinking of a passport?

You need a valid (as in not expired) photo ID to fly. If she has a valid passport then that would work, but if not then yes, you do need a driver's license or non-driver ID to be able to fly on a plane. Since she has a lapsed driver's license, I'm inclined she would not have a non-driver ID

tigak47 0

She cancelled the plane tickets, you cancel the trip. None of this is fair to you, it sounds like she's got some stuff to work on first.

KingAdrock 16

Sounds like time to cancel the vacation and go do something by yourself. Maybe a fishing trip with some friends and NO wife?

Rebook your flight and leave your wife behind. Reinforce that it's not ok to do things behind your back and be so selfish. There's a point at which you should be understanding but that's far beyond it.

I get the fear of flying, but cancelling the tickets without talking with you first was a selfish/immature move on her part. Even more so since she hasn't renewed her license and will make you drive the whole way.

Natanaru 6

Tell her to grow the **** up and get her license renewed.

No flight, no trip. She is twisted if she makes you drive 3000 miles.