Don't push your luck

By go choke on a gonad - 08/08/2013 13:13 - United States - Dayton

Today, my fiancé asked for money to bail his brother out of jail, the same brother who happily spent a whole day recently trying to convince my fiancé that I've been cheating on him with my own cousin. So I said no. He shook his head in disgust and said that I'm "unbelievably spiteful". FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 284
You deserved it 5 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's one delinquent asshole like that in every family. If you think your family doesn't have one, it's you.

TheWhiteLotus - I see you're new here, so I'll be as helpful as possible. What I said is something called a "joke" which used a device called "sarcasm" to create something called "humour". I (try to) do that a lot around here, as do many others. Got it? Good. I do this because I care and I'm a nice ******* guy.


move on aready if they are trying ruin your relationship

Have his brother sit in jail for a will clear the rumor...

PrinceKitsoon 7

Good for you OP, I would have said no too.

I absolutely would have said no as well. Ill be damned if i help someone who tries to break apart my relationship. That person would be crossed from my life. But as its his brother, you cant exactly do that. So best of luck in dealing with that asshole and hopefully your fiance understands why you said no.

Everything is just so case by case! Depends on what he's in for, how long he's looking at if you don't help, your fiancé's relationship with his family, your relationship with your fiancé...there are lots of scenarios where you should have been the bigger person and helped. But there are also plenty where you are totally justified to refuse. I wish we could get more of the story! I'm thinking if your fiancé called you "unbelievably spiteful" over it, you should probably be re-evaluating if this is the right person for you to marry. His reaction makes it appear that he will always take care of his family no matter what kind of assholes they are and expects you to be his partner in that. If that's not something you can tolerate you're in for a long road of feeling second to his family or having him resent you for making him choose.

I wouldn't bail him out either. Plus just think, if you bailed him out now he could expect to be bailed out in the future. I hope you're able to get through to your fiance!

I would of told him to bail him out himself and stop being so selfish.

I'm confused as to how anyone deserves that. I would have done the exact same thing

My immediate reaction is to say no as well, but on more thought, obviously her fiancé didn't believe him, so I mean while she has a reason to be mad, it's not really something to keep him in jail for. I'd lend him the money, on the condition that he paid me back. And I'd get that in an ironclad contract since clearly the guy can't be trusted. Her fiancé, however, can obviously be trusted.