Don't flush them

By failallday - 07/08/2014 09:09 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, one of my customer's pipes were blocked. As I went to unblock it, about a handful of used condoms collided with my face. I don't know if I should be disgusted by this or disgusted by my customer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 228
You deserved it 4 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CliffyB03 28

I think I would be more disgusted with the used condoms hitting my face, but that's just me


You got someone **** on you, so I would say the first one

Dreamsorrow93 24

Maybe if your nice you will get a tip?

Wait...did you unblock the drain, and condoms came rushing out, or did he deliberately flush them in your face?

I think it was on purpose. It's this new fetish called "plumbing facials". *beep beep beep* Oh sorry, my sarcasm detector just went off. Any other brilliant questions? *beep beep beep*

That is really ******* disgusting. I hope the person promised not to flush freaking condoms and apologized to you. That's so disgusting. *shudders* I'm sorry, OP.

Is your customer a teenager? What would possess someone to flush condoms? I think it's well known that flushing condoms is a terrible practice.

KrazyKatz3 26

Maybe someone with a teenage child?

Disgusted by the condoms hitting you in your face, and pissed at your customer for being a moron

juturnaamo 29

Wait, you knew *something* was blocking the pipes. Why in the hell would you have your face there? You were bound to get hit by something disgusting.

Who the **** tries to flush used condoms? Their supposed to be thrown in the trash. That's disgusting, I feel sorry for you OP!

Doesn't it say on the package to not flush them?

teens usually do it to hide them from their parents.