Don't drink and DIY

By bob the builders pissed off daughter - 29/12/2015 23:52 - United States - Campbell

Today, my dad got drunk and decided to fix everything in the house he thought was broken. Now the oven won't cook, half the floorboards from the stairs are piled in the garden, we put the TV back together but now it is stuck on mute, and we still have no idea where he has put my bedroom door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 029
You deserved it 1 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For being drunk he got a shit ton done. That sounds like a couple of months of work for a sober dad.

With any luck he may have buried your door in the garden or in the stove


amileah13 26

Wow, he seriously was capable of doing all of that while drunk? Impressive, but now comes the annoying part of actually fixing everything now :/

I'm surprised at the amount of stuff he managed to get done! Good job drunk dad lol

I have to say, that's an impressive amount of work done while drunk, even if it was all the wrong things. I hope you find your door and good luck with the TV, you'll probably need a professional to fix that unless you prefer silent movies. :)

Your dad turns into Tim Taylor when drunk. It will take the combined power of Al, Wilson and Heidi to repair everything he "fixed".

Big_Bear99 19

#17 Tim Taylor would have done it with a Binford Fix-a-matic 9000 and would have destroyed half the house! This is a case of Bill the bumbling.

He better get to work fixing all of that now. Makes you wonder what goes through people's minds when they are piss drunk.

FalloutScrolls 25

See now, all that time your dad spent drunkenly "fixing" everything, he COULD HAVE spent drinking more. ...amateur.

If the women don't find you handsome they should at least find you handy.

KhaleesiDannie 26

I am a man and I can change...If I have to...I guess

Sadly enough that happens more than us guys would like to admit. I have a truck that won't start because I worked on it drunk.