DIY project idea

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Lititz

Today, I found out that my son has been trying to save enough of his earwax to make a candle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 697
You deserved it 5 710


Haha. He sounds creative. I bet he's planning to gift it as an incense candle on your B'day.

Have him watch Myth Busters, they already tried that.

Somebody needs to watch mythbusters

At least you'll be saving money on candles hahah

Well at least he's dedicated to a goal XD

"Son stop doing that!!!!" "What mom?? I'm trying to get this wax out of my ear!!"

I will give you a thumbs up for trying. :)

I will give you a thumbs down for pitying such a comment as #23. (: