Dirty old man

By kat124ever - 07/01/2013 08:35 - United States - Apo

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me because I'm too "high maintenance". And that's because I ask him to use condoms when we have sex, and I refuse to invite my friends over for threesomes. I don't know why I'm not actually glad we are broken up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 860
You deserved it 5 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he thinks wanting to use condoms is high maintenance, I'd love to see how he feels about the babies that will result with not using them.

perdix 29

When he asked for a threesome, you should have invited one of your male friends over. That'd shut him up, one way or the other.


aka_Specs 7

Wow, what a dick. You'd figure that using condoms would be considered a good idea

Vidimus 13

You're so much better off, OP. Seriously. If that's how he pegs "high maintenance," then he's got problems.

You asked him to wear a condom OMG :O HOW COULD YOU

your better off, you wouldn't want to catch anything from someone who's so dumb.

flyinghigh420 2

Breaking ups hard to do! Even if its with a jerk. Once the initial shock wears off you will be happy, atleast you aren't stuck with him!

And this is why generations are getting worse. More and more douches are having kids who are turning out just like your boyfriend. You're better off without him OP.

Prude!! No really you should be happy you're not in a relationship with someone who doesn't respect you. However when a relationship ends that you were emotionally invested in, it hurts regardless that it wasn't a good relationship. You'll find a guy who is more in line with your comfort level and with safe sex.

MNBOY16 15

Sounds like you are dating a 18 yr old? Am I right??

Be rid of him .... It seems like he is the one in need of highMaintenance