
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I found out that if a cop asks you if you have any weapons, and you reply by saying, "Only these guns!" while flexing your biceps, they won't take it very well. Neither will the cops down at the station. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 065
You deserved it 51 050


cptpillpopper 0

you didnt deserve that. most police officers take themselves way to serious. I get that it is a dangerous job, but come on refering to your flexed armed for weapons? come one get real. grow up cops your not the law, you enforce it.

nice op :) guess its in usa? only place beside spain and mexico that has a lack of humor and ability to control agression :)

firefly_102 0
aFluffyRaccoon 0

YDI, for being a complete tool