
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I found out that if a cop asks you if you have any weapons, and you reply by saying, "Only these guns!" while flexing your biceps, they won't take it very well. Neither will the cops down at the station. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 065
You deserved it 51 050


Really I would have laughed and I'm in cop training

NullPointer 20

Anyone who thinks OP deserved it is an idiot.

gdcbgb 0

You're a cocky moron. You're probably not even a muscle head.

Candygirl720 6

Now what the hell would u go n say tht 4? U know the po-po r crazy as hell these days!

SuperNinjaa 0

Go put a dollar in the douchebag jar

marisadc79 0

Although slightly funny and I use slightly loosely not a smart think to say to a cop ever. Might as well have said something about a bomb in your baggage to airport security. FYL but you totally deserved it.

StromyG2 10

I think that'll be really funny if I do it, as I'm a girl with NO muscles.

they laughed at you just not with you, dumbass!!