Deep sleep

By Ataraxia - 01/10/2009 07:05 - United States

Today, I woke up to the realization that the 2-hour nap I wanted to take before I went out with my friends last night was actually a 12-hour nap. I missed everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 009
You deserved it 34 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Why bother using an alarm clock when you're just taking a nap?" Because you could end up sleeping for 12 hours.


AyCuidado 0

Lame, OP. If going out with your friends ONCE is such a huge blow to your social life, you've got bigger problems than your sleeping habits. Stop whining and get over it.

ok. maybe the OP should have set an alarm. maybe they did and slept through it? who knows? who cares. obviously if the OP wanted to take a nap so they wouldnt be tired, they were looking forward to the night out. and just so everyone realizes, i am a single mother and RARELY(like, ive been out 1 in the last year with friends)go out. so a night out would be a big deal and if i missed it i would be pretty upset. instead of looking into EVERY little detail, cant we just agree that it sucks that the OP(or anyone) would miss a night out that they had been planning? geez. OP FYL

HAHAHAHA I have done this. It can suck pretty bad or be not that big a deal, but I think it is a funny story when it does happen especially when your friends wont believe you or something. so thanks for sharing

victory25 0

it just means you were really tired. It happens from time to time.

how is this an fml? so you slept instead of a night out, there's always the day after or weekend after. this should be on MLIA

Oh maaan, this is such an FML! It happened to me once... you go for a nap, stupidly forget your alarm and wake up at 3am when the party's over... And then you slept so much that you are awake for the rest of the night. :)

Gaiwa 0

happended a few times to me, too.... didnt hear the alarm and woke up at 4 am or something instead of 7-10 pm

FMLuserwulf 0

Happened to me a few times as well....then my friend threw an alarm clock at me.... hasn't happened since.