Deep sleep

By Ataraxia - 01/10/2009 07:05 - United States

Today, I woke up to the realization that the 2-hour nap I wanted to take before I went out with my friends last night was actually a 12-hour nap. I missed everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 009
You deserved it 34 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Why bother using an alarm clock when you're just taking a nap?" Because you could end up sleeping for 12 hours.


danceoo 0

Been there. I wouldn't say it's a true FML, but it does suck.

I'm surprised none of your so-called "friends" came to check on you to see if you were alive, or if you were boning one of their wives/girlfriends, or if you'd come out with them just in time to pick up the tab.

being your friend must be so rewarding, plexi :p

No, palleas, I think it involves performing sex acts like blumpkins. . . Not rewarding.

Especially about a day after I eat some really cheap Mexican food. It's fun going in, but. . . You're a real trooper, Toxi, I have the utmost respect for your ability to finish the "job" in such an odoriferous environment? Good on ya!

I just hold my nose, it's fine. But you know, what's good for the goose is good for the gander (that's the right saying isn't it?)... I'm going to share that Mexican food and we'll make up a new Urbandictionary term.

you must have been really ****** tired! your body was taking care of its priorities.

and that's why there's that new fangled invention called the alarm clock ;)

Banannikka 1

meh I'm sure it's not the LAST NIGHT OF YOUR LIFE. You'll see your friends another day anyway. This isn't a fml, it's a minor inconvenience.

doctor__who 19

And OP probably needed the sleep anyways.

Obviously you needed the sleep. And I'm sure you'll have lots of opportunities to get together with your friends again. By next weekend this will be a "no big deal".

this is dumb. ohhh my god i didnt go out with my firends on a friday night! im sucha loser cause i slept. get a life. u were tired. u obivously didnt care enough to set an alarm. so you were obviously reaaaaly tired, if you slept straight without waking up for 12 hours. cause nobody passes out cold just like that for a light nap. if your super tired, and going to nap, obviously set an alarm or u wont wake up.