Dad jokes

By Anonymous - 10/10/2011 22:26 - United States

Today, I wore my brand new Wonderbra to school. When I got home, my dad looked at me and started laughing hysterically. Between breaths, he asked if anyone actually thought my chest was that big and said, "You know why it's called a Wonderbra? Guys take it off and wonder where your tits went." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 225
You deserved it 27 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

damnalltheasshol 0

o wow I'm sorry but that's hilarious

thrAsHeRr9081 16

Well, it IS false advertisement.


i get how people are saying that its false advertisement, but people led her to doing that. im an itty bitty titty committee member, and i would never wear a wonderbra or anything, i embrace my little boobies. but guys are constantly making us girls feel badly for having a small chest. they make fun of us, or are less attracted to us. you boys are lucky we cant all see your junk and judge you on THAT size. its not like you can control it, but neither can we. give us a break.

MsAmber210 0

No1 made her buy the wonder bra. That was her choice

Ok that is prolly one of the funniest things I've ever heard! Hahaha that's sucks for u but it made me laugh!:D

that's actually pretty freaking hilarious

fromthesuck 8

I've always wondered... Why is it women are so offended by men's general "fixation" with breasts, yet constantly go out of their way to make em look bigger and nicer?

A lot of the time women are not trying to look sexier for men but for other women because some women are horrible beasts that make fun of you at any time mostly about the waist or boob size

lmao i just had to add this to my favorites.

sweettpie129 11
LilAngel606 5
666xSYXXXx666 0

YDI, what did you think was going to happen??? That when you got a guy into bed and he took off your bra, the wonderbra would magically make your **** actually as big as it made them look??? I'm ashamed to even categorize myself into the same gender as people who share the same thought process as OP...

Whoa!!! Wow?!?! Didnt know dads check their daughters out. Haha!!! bit still that's mean):

biggee531 7

Wearing a wonderbra is kind of like a guy stuffing a roll of toilet paper in his pants to make his package look bigger. It's a lose-lose scenario.