Curiosity should stay at home

By Anonymous - 23/09/2015 12:43 - Malta - Santa Venera

Today, I came across the word "pegging". Not knowing what it meant, I googled it and got a very graphic explanation. Seconds later, I realised that the webpage URL actually included the sexual nature of the meaning. The IT department have logs of every page we visit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 282
You deserved it 8 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Badkarma4u 17

Don't worry OP. I doubt IT has time to track every google search. Despite what they say, people who get fired for looking at inappropriate stuff at work do it more than once or twice. I know they say that only did it once. They didn't. So unless you have a habbit of surfing pegging sites at work, you're ok

I assume this was after reading the recent FML on the subject?

call them and explain you didn't know what it was, they should understand!

She was just looking for a reason to dump u

ChadHelton 8

should have called it dept IMMEDIATELY here's what happened. you'll look stupid but not fired.

Unless someone saw you and they ask IT to check the logs you'll be fine. Ain't nobody got time for that.