Curiosity should stay at home

By Anonymous - 23/09/2015 12:43 - Malta - Santa Venera

Today, I came across the word "pegging". Not knowing what it meant, I googled it and got a very graphic explanation. Seconds later, I realised that the webpage URL actually included the sexual nature of the meaning. The IT department have logs of every page we visit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 282
You deserved it 8 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Did you by chance see the FML posted about pegging about a week ago? (and do NOT sing that song)

I was giving a presentation in our Boardroom when I clicked on a corrupted link on a Web page. It linked to a **** site with actual videos playing - of women providing oral sex!! I've still got my job - good luck :-)

I don't think anyone will sit and read all those logs....

Hope you learned your lesson to not Google things you've read on fml at work.

I feel like such a pervert because I knew what pegging is without needing Google. :I

brocho 26

Did you look it up after reading that FML not too long ago about the girl talking her boyfriend into pegging and then accusing him of being gay?

BradTheBrony 19

This didn't actually happen. How ******* far down did you scroll?

I googled it after reading a previous fml and Wikipedia was very forthcoming with an explanation. No **** sites visited whatsoever.

How can you not already know this? It's a pretty common thing. You deserve it for being so closeminded.