Crossed purposes

By knee2tak - 14/03/2009 09:46 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend, "We need to talk." He said, "I know". So we met after school, and he said he was OK with me breaking up with him, that he wasn't that into me either. He said all that before I could tell him that my parents wanted to meet him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 353
You deserved it 11 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm pretty sure "we need to talk" is a universally recognised code for "I'm about to break up with you".

lol who says "we need to talk" before telling your bf that you want him to meet their parents? seriously.


i agree with #1 and #49. You realize "We need to talk" is #1 on the 4-word sentence of doom list right? #2 would be "I wanna break up"

l33tm0nk3y 0

Poor choice of words on your part, I'm afraid. When a guy hears his girlfriend say "we need to talk," that automatically translates to "I want to break up with you."

flamacue40 0

try not to say "we need to talk" for something like that. but still, you should've kicked him in the balls

YDI. Any idiot knows what "we need to talk" means. I'm glad he pushed the breakup through. You don't deserve to be in any relationship. He's better off, and you...well you are just messed up.

That's a really bad way to tell him your parents want to meet your bf.

christopherlove 0

Everyone knows that " We need to talk " means " I'm breaking up with you " . Why would you say it before asking him to meet your parents ? Why not , " I have something really important to tell you " ?

Please say "Lemme tell you something" next time. "We Need To Talk" means the relationship is nearing its close.

we need to talk is what girls use for breakups even us guys know that