Creeped out

By bezoar10 - 04/04/2009 19:36 - United States

Today, my mother and I went to lunch and there is a really cute waiter that works at the diner. I requested him to wait on us like I sometimes do. While we were waiting to be seated, I heard one waiter say to the cute one, "Ya, the creepy one is back, and this time she brought her mom!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 921
You deserved it 70 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah.. requesting the cute waiter is creepy. YDI.

hawaiianxpunchx3 0

well dont make it so obvious and act like a creeper.


I would have gone ahead with it, and when you were seated, mention to him that you are always impressed with his service and that's why you request him. Maybe say you've had bad service there before, and since you were with your mom, you wanted to make sure you had a good time. Then you're not being creepy, just giving a good waiter some business... what they don't know won't hurt them ;)

For those saying that since the cute waiter didn't refer to her as the creepy one, that might mean this girl still has an "in"... I hate to say it, but the waiter in question was probably the one to give her the nickname in the first place. Having worked food service, I know that regular customers often get descriptive nicknames if their real names aren't known... And YDI, btw.

yeah. he probably gave you the nickname in the first place. I know when I worked fast food this weirdo regular got the nickname "Cracky" because it always seemed like she was on crack. maybe when you go there you shouldn't request him but just hope he serves you and you won't creep him out. tough luck. also, YDI.

keyairia 0

dang. yeah. you might wanna think about finding another diner.

People dont think waiters remember customers but they do.

cafddwl 0

honestly....who requests waiters?!! so ******* creepy... you deserved that...big timee!!

kellster 2

Dear cyberhoy: STARRING =/= STARING. Do you get it? Do you need me to explain? Most people would look at their first comment and go, oh hey, what do you know, I made a large and foolish spelling error that makes the meaning of my comment utterly different than what I meant to say, oopsie, my bad! They don't just go ahead and make that same stupid mistake again, more boldly. You are an idiot. Dear OP: sorry dear, but that is a little weird. I know lots of the female half (myself included) prefer to be make pretty eyes and hope to be talked to, but requesting a waiter is a bit much. They have sections. If you know his section, you could maybe request that and play it as your "favorite table" rather than "favorite server", perhaps. Slightly less creepy. Although, I'm guessing that you may not go back there. Being stared at does make men uncomfortable too, though.

dpressedninja 0

its a waiter not a male prostitute.

Lol to 28, 31 and 33... and yes, i just referred to you as a number... :) But, I am also laughing more at the WTF war, than the FML Other than that, YDI... unfortunately. If you have the guts to request the same waiter over and over, without getting to know him personally, then you should have enough guts to get his number... and call him. And get to know him...