Creeped out

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Coraopolis

Today, the boy who sits next to me in class accidentally dropped his sketch pad. It turns out he's really talented at drawing portraits. They're so good that I could recognize myself in all of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 850
You deserved it 7 849

Top comments

Boy's got a crush on you. He's shy. Ask him out.


Get ****** most chicks would dig that shit, you're just being a bitch

kittcatt 8

Not being flattered by unwanted attention or the realization that someone is drawing you while you are not aware does not make someone a bitch.

Wait the kid is either really bored or has a crush. Either way he has an artistic ability and isn't bothering anyone or you. This is neither a YDI or FYL...

Don't assume the worst, this isn't a fyl. Talk to him and see if you might like him back? It's just fanart, he's a fan of you. Millions of people draw their crushes in the knowledge they will never see. You actually did, take it as a sign from the universe.

SailorKelly 7

Whenever I was bored in my classes I would draw whoever was around me. It didn't matter who, strangers, professors, friends, it all just depended on the angle. So get off your high horse, you're making a big deal out of nothing.

how the **** is dat an fml, seriously ppl com on ffs

when artists draw.. its because they're shy and like you or they just want to draw people

well maybe hes a nice guy, you never know

ohishkabibble 21

Aw, that's really cute! He obviously likes you, so if you're not opposed, perhaps you should ask him out?

ohishkabibble 21

That is unless the situation seemed really creepy and made you uncomfortable. Then I advise you to RUN! (Sorry, I couldn't edit my comment... The server wasn't connecting)