Creeped out

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Coraopolis

Today, the boy who sits next to me in class accidentally dropped his sketch pad. It turns out he's really talented at drawing portraits. They're so good that I could recognize myself in all of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 850
You deserved it 7 849

Top comments

Boy's got a crush on you. He's shy. Ask him out.


I like to draw portraits (i'm decent, but not great)... A lot of the time, I'll keep drawing the same person to see how different they turn out each time. It's good practice. Maybe you just have a great face to draw..? or maybe he's just creepy. Good luck with that one.

It seems really sweet from a crush point of perspective :)

Awwww...he likes you, albeit in a very creepy way.. :)

I have portraits of people I barely knew or cared about in school. I'm a pretty decent artist and one of the girls in my class spied a page of different angles and expressions of her face and confronted me about it, sure it was embarrassing and it was just because she was in my line of sight in math. Don't automatically assume he has a thing for you.

You're kind of rude. That shouldn't be a "FML" moment, how conceded and snobby are you exactly? Like come on, mature a little.

This could be the beginning of something wonderful! Before you go FML get to know the dude... If he's a good artist and the portraits don't involve any dark and evil violation phantasies it's likely that he's a really nice guy and worth to at least be friends with. After all maybe he only likes to draw you, but isn't interested in more.

Shy artist guys are adorable and sweet!!! Maybe a little odd that he ONLY draws you.. But it's still flattering.

Depends on how OP responded as to whether or not they could have a future together.

In my opinion, I need to see him and talk to him before I judge him.