
By crap - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was fired from my job for breaking my company's tattoo policy. I have a small scar on my wrist that roughly resembles a heart. My boss insists that it's one of those white ink tattoos. No one will believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 780
You deserved it 2 678

Top comments

I think I would be filing a complaint with the corporate office.

This must be a case of unfair dismissal. I can't see your location but in the UK you could probably get the police involved.


Tell them you'll sue for "wrongful termination"

I wouldn't take that. Not sure if I'd call the police or sue the company but I definately wouldn't take that from them.

I sure hope you will find someone to talk to about this, you deserve your job back or at least a different spot within the same company.

I'm not sure I'd want to go back to the same job, knowing my boss obviously wanted me gone. Your relationship is now strained and that never makes for a good time at work. I say do something about the wrongful dismissal and get another job.

Hence why I said or at least a different spot within the office or company. So many office buildings have millions of different businesses in them

I smell a wrongful termination lawsuit coming on!

There's a way to prove it! Scars don't glow well under a UV light. Though I've seen some of those blacklight tattoos and they are really cool.

I always thought those tats kinda looked like scars

paguilera28 5

What the hell is OP? I may be young but I'm ready.

Original Poster. Scary shit, I know.. Good thing you were ready

The_Honey_Badger 17