
By crap - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was fired from my job for breaking my company's tattoo policy. I have a small scar on my wrist that roughly resembles a heart. My boss insists that it's one of those white ink tattoos. No one will believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 780
You deserved it 2 678

Top comments

I think I would be filing a complaint with the corporate office.

This must be a case of unfair dismissal. I can't see your location but in the UK you could probably get the police involved.


sugarshane007 20

That is a great way to ensure certain employment. If I could hire a crew full of people who had that tattoo, I would be in heaven.

They should have at least given you the option to cover it, if they were determined not to believe you. Most people these days can't be ****** to consider anything other than their knee-jerk assumptions.

Even if it's a crap job, OP might get a settlement.

Chances are getting your job back would be a short term solution since either your boss wants you gone or will after you make him/her look like an idiot in the process of being rehired. What you should do is take it to a tribunal and instead of asking for your job back ask to file for constructive dismissal on the grounds that your boss has made your workplace hostile and your job insecure. Depending where you are the company could be forced to pay you your full salary while they find you another job that matches your requirements, whether that job is in the same company or not. Chances are you wont get a deal that good and even if you do the job might be worse but it's better than ending up unemployed altogether. Good luck

perdix 29

That's not the real reason he fired you. Just move on and forget about it because I'll bet the real reason he canned you would hurt your feelings.

Sounds more like to me that your boss had if out for you for some reason or another, which of course you can't do much about. On the bright side maybe you will find a job that you really enjoy and has a cool boss. :-)

unemployment is so bad that people are looking for excuses to fire their employees. sue them!

Tattoo policy is ******* retarded anyway. As long as they arent on your face and neck it shouldnt matter much even for high level jobs.

#28. I believe you would need a crew full of people who obeyed the tattoo. I don't think a crew of pimps would put you in your happy place.