Cops can't catch criminals

By frustrated - 17/05/2014 10:11 - United States - Forest Park

Today, I called the cops on a couple who was fighting outside my window at 4 a.m. They hid in the bushes when the cops came, came back out when they left, and started fighting again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 368
You deserved it 4 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Throw cold water on them - if they're going to act like alley cats treat them like alley cats.

gjikvtj 18

Whats wrong with you? Nobody talks about fight club


Call the police again, and when they go in the bushes, chase them out!

They were making love in the bushes, but it didn't take.

The police probably saw them from a distance but drove past them like "don't wanna deal with this shit today "

I'm beginning to think there are Douche Nozzles out there who hit the "you deserved it" button on everything. I hope they are the first to go at the end, and that it's very painful and tragic.

Take a video, then call the cops and tell them where they are. then use the video as proof that they were causing a disturbance.

cryssycakesx3 22

that seems excessive for something that would over shortly. sometimes the cops just make fighting worse.

Ear plugs...maybe someone else will call this time...hope for the best

and this is why ppl r ******* worthless anymore. freaking snitch.

Axel5238 29

I find the worthless people are the ones who'd describe this as "snitching"

It's not your business.So why **** your life?They should be saying that

Axel5238 29

If it's private home or an apartment complex it becomes OP business when it's "outside their window" particularly at 4am.

Walk outside with a gun. Jack a shell in it and I guarantee they will leave.

Or they will pull out a gun themselves and the OP will have a serious problem, let alone potential assault charges.

Brandishing a firearm is a felony......or so im told but id just yell out the window for them to shut the **** up or citizen arrest them for disturbing the peace