
By Un1ucky - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend wanted to make breakfast. Since I usually do all the cooking, I said that was fine. Four hours later, my boyfriend and I were sitting on the sidewalk across the street as the firemen sprayed down the burnt remains of our kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 268
You deserved it 7 522

Same thing different taste


nlm92 15

23, your comment has NOTHING to do with the comment you replied to. Pitiful. By the way, chances are it was ops house.

#23 today was day 3 of renting out my house. They've already burnt it down. FML XD

Whoah. It looked like you said "as a male, I make a damn good omelette. Then, when I went back to check if it got published, your comment changed.

My guess would be he commented on the wrong comment so he changed this one to fit the comment he replied to, then went and replied to the right comment like 2 or 3 comments up about his "damn fine omelette"

It clearly states "our kitchen", so in all likelihood it's both if theirs.

NodakN8V 25

Does he know the fire alarm doesn't mean breakfast is done.... Maybe cherry flambeau wasn't the right choice to start out with.

purpleamber1 11

dying dude just dying laughing at this comment. XD!!! i cant stop laughing! cherry flambeau!!

cdawg69 10

your right. in this fml we need milk.. breaks up the tetrahydron of fire and could have stopped the flames right there

Tetrahedron, but yes. That is correct but it misses the reference.

what in gods name does one make for breakfast that results in a kitchen fire unless he literally put eggs on the stove and went for a run

Anything with oil. Or fire. Or a toaster. Then again, what do I know?

TheDrifter 23

Setting margarine next to the toaster, buttering the bread before toasting (I believe there's already an fml about fire from that one) spilling oil on a hot element. There are actually a surprising number of seemingly small kitchen mistakes that can lead to a fire if unattended.

ThomasBombadil 31

Was he trying out for the TV show _Man, Fire, Food!_?

JMichael 25

think of it as a funny story to tell the next time he asks to cook

Some things are funny upon reflection. I cannot imagine burning your house / apartment down would be a particularly funny thing.

i think if you kept mentioning it, that would make the other person feel bad and inadequate. if you don't have a particularly good sex experience, you wouldn't keep reliving it for the other person to feel shitty about, would you? "remember that time, you lasted for a minute, and i felt nothing?" yeah no.

nlm92 15