
By Anonymous - 06/04/2009 17:15 - United States

Today, I was going on a dinner date with a girl I had just met. After I picked her up I asked her if she would like to get lobster. She looked at me and asked if those were the red ones. Confused I nodded. She replied, "Sorry, I don't eat red meat." I laughed. She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 613
You deserved it 6 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I'd say it's an fml because the dude apparently can't find any dates that are smarter than a box of rocks.


looks like you picked you a winner, Bobby

and by the way, why would you be buying this broad a ******* lobster. If you ask me, she'd have been content with a big Mac...

haha stupid it's ok, just take her out for a burger. cows aren't red =)

kandy_fml 0

Once again. Why do FML's like this one make it on the site. It's not that funny. And it's not a FYL. It's a FHL for being so stupid.

LMAO. good luck with that one. i agree with what people said, i hope she's at least hot if nothing else.

haha. that chick is stupid :) good luck. hahahahaha.

Ibeapirate 0

You sure picked a winner. Genius.

Honestly, there is nothing wrong with eating some red meat.I know some people think it's bad for you But don't use that bull$#¡t excuse when he's willing to pay money for expensive food. Dumb that b¡t€# NOWWWWW!