
By RatFailure - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I looked into my sink's garbage disposal for the first time since I moved in two months ago. Apparently, the putrid smell was not the food I've been throwing down it, but instead, a now what appears to be mutilated litter of rats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 937
You deserved it 3 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AngryBeaver32 8

Mother of God, that's disturbing.

Holy shit I just threw up in my mouth. But for real though OP, I have a garbage disposal unit in my house, and anything substantial makes tons of noise, the squeals and the breaking of bones must have alerted you to something being gravely wrong, no?


I would feel so guilty if I found out after the fact and disgusted. I don't even know how I would go about cleaning it... Bleach and a hose on blast?

Ballin8864 4

Wow..Well, That's a wonderful thing to discover In your garbage disposal...I can practically picture your mortified face! 0.0

Pretty sure not everyone confuses spoiled food for multiple decaying corpses.

desireev 17

I've had an experience similar to this one. Except it was underneath my washer,(in the motor), and the rats weren't dead. They came in from the cold and found a warm place to sleep. I guess they were at the wrong place at the wrong time.. When I started my washer, all I heard was squeaking and I saw blood come out from under the washer. :'( I cried for days about it!! :'(

Oh my! That would be disturbing! I can certainly understand your reaction....ewwww.

desireev 17

It was very gross.. And, quite frankly, a disturbing memory of mine. I felt so bad for so long about it..

I was just thinking how it would be scarring to have done that, always remembering...I feel terrible just for running over a squirrell with my car once...and this is way more horrible.

Oh man, I would have felt absolutely horrible too.

You murderer!!!!:O But seriously.. Threw up in my mouth just a lil... Next time you really should clean that out more often....

There really isn't any need to check a disposal unless it's making odd noises or smells wrong. Even a family of rats don't smell that bad when they JUST set up shop. I don't blame you, OP. FYL.

Glad I live in the only rat free province in Canada ! Sorry OP, those critters are gross even when they are alive!

Is it wrong that I laughed really hard. Lol

jaredofmo 22

"GEEZ, IT'S A MACHINE OF DEATH!" Get that cleaned out.