Classic prank

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, at Burger King, I had to go to the bathroom. Two ketchup packets were under the seat and exploded on my legs and pants when I sat down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 506
You deserved it 6 156

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You've obviously never read Captain Underpants to know to always check for ketchup packets under the lid...

i'm trying this next time I go to burger king. haha. dude if I were there, i'd laugh my pants off at you.

haha do it, i love planted them at every restaurant i go to :D

green_eyes124 0

Haha I guess you'll be checking from now on won't you op? : )

That's quite a good prank, but I can see it being irritating. Just clean it up as best you can with toilet paper. If people ask, just tell them the truth, or joke you're on your period (yes I know the OP is a bloke, hence the word joke). At least it wasn't brown sauce...

thebignixie 0

Unless McDonalds serves WiFries, I'm sure the OP went home and is over it now.

nigalangelospizz 0

Your demeanor reflects your deadpan photo.

Thebignixie - He was in Burger King, not McDonalds :P And yes, he probably is, but you never know. Nigalangelospizz - Who? Me or Bignixie? :P

thebignixie 0

burger King? I suppose, but I would expect that kind of thing from McDonalds. I'm just mad no one recognized that amazing pun.

haha. I never thought of that in a public bathroom. . . >:D

xshadyshadow 0

Eww, Why were you sitting in the toilet?! Do you know how many hobos used it as a shower?! (shudders) 

i dont know how many times i have to tell people: burger king is f**kin cheep and doesnt take care of their restaurant i garauntee that would never happen at like McDonalds, wendy's or arby's