Classic prank

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, at Burger King, I had to go to the bathroom. Two ketchup packets were under the seat and exploded on my legs and pants when I sat down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 506
You deserved it 6 156

Top comments


poopystick 0

ydi for not looking at the seat before sitting

Zigma_fml 0
p33lzhear 6

ewww y would u sit on the toilet seat in a public rest room...its called squatting

that's an awesome prank though I'm so trying that at a party :P

guess someone "had it their way" and a laugh to go with it.

huh...usually my full body weight isn enough to break a condement package...

zendaddy0 0

theres a very possible chance that was me