
By BurnedByAWaiter - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I went on a blind date at a fancy restaurant. My date was running a bit late, so I went ahead and got a table. I got bored, so I decided to ask my waiter how I looked. He stood there, then said that, "It's against company policy to mock customers to their face." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 592
You deserved it 8 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

don't ask for the truth if you can't handle it.

JacksonCampbell 9

I really hate being put in the situation where you don't know if you should tell the truth or not. I, however, applaud the waiter. He did neither.


all of u Sayin report the waiter are idiots. OP can't handle the truth so OP shouldn't have asked.

Amen to that!!! Who asks a stranger how they look?? Who cares?!! Sheesh!!!

truths always bitter .. well I guess he didn't get a tip

SmittyJA24 26

I'm curious: Did the "blind date" guy ever show?? Inquiring minds want to know....

I would have said, oops well there went your tip!

shakeTHEworld 12

I think he's just messing with you, you know, you fussing about your looks and all.

U must have already known the answer! A pretty girl never asks anyone (especially a waiter) how she looks!!!lol....YDI for fishing for compliments!

CateXOX 0

Well you did ask his opinion. Would you have preferred him to lie?

today, I made fun of one of my ugly customers that was on a blind date and she didn't leave me a tip. FML

Screw you, heartless bastard :) have a nice day!