Caught in 4K

By BrutallyBlonde - 31/12/2009 00:03 - United States

Today, I went to egg my ex-boyfriend's house, after finding out he cheated on me. I covered his house and car with eggs, toilet paper, and silly string. When I went to get back in my car, my keys were locked inside, the alarm went off, and my ex walked outside, with his new girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 846
You deserved it 56 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SweetestSin 4

Karma just slapped you in the face - isn't egging a little childish?

YDI. For one, your an immature little bitch who thinks 'getting back' at someone is usually a good idea. Secondly, even when you try to get back at him, you do it like a 10 year old.


If you are going to try and vandalize someone's house/car, VANDALIZE IT! Don't throw crap like eggs and toilet paper on! That is too easy to wipe off. Throw a rock through the window or something..

tinanelson 0

uhhmmm no word describes how dumb you are maybe thats why ur ex thought he could cheat on you cuz he probs thought u would never find out cuz u have an empty head.

PistenDeer 0

That's the right thing to do. He shouldn't have cheated on you In the first place. Don't listen to anybody else, do what you think is right. I mean, most of the time, revenge IS sweet. I once threw a rock into a guy's house I knew and broke his Xbox, somehow. Why? He embarrassed me in front of all my ex-friends, made my life f*cking miserable, and stole 2 girls away from me. One of them was the love of my life I knew since 1st grade.

You sound so unbelievably moronic. One day you're going to be sued for a LOT of money, and then probably complain that you got caught and lost over one-thousand dollars in money because you're a childish prick who can't move on with his life. When you seek revenge, you become no better than the person on who you are getting revenge.

addioty 19

184, see I disagree. I think cheating is a bit worse than spraying Silly String in someone's yard

daaahahaha 4

cheaters are the lowest. he deserved it. and more. its a shame you locked the keys in your car though. i woulda taken friends with me to help. and i probably would have abetter thought out revenge if i was ever cheated on

X_o_X_ocutie 0

egging, silly string??? how old are u? 12??

kay729 7

that's kinda immature so I don't think you should expect people to feel bad for you

no wonder he cheated on you! you are one of those arrogant, self-centered, obnoxious bitches that no one likes.

You sound like a psycho.. I'm not saying cheating is right, but I can understand why your boyfriend left you.

jewelsfml 0