Can't stop, won't stop

By Matt8 - 07/12/2012 01:07 - United States

Today, I found out that my wife, who is supposed to be a recovering alcoholic, drank an entire bottle of wine and then tried to hide it at the bottom of a garbage bin. To make matters worse, when I confronted her about it, she tried to convince me that our 5-year-old daughter had drunk it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 426
You deserved it 2 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theslimshadylp 6

Using a five year old as a scapegoat, that's pretty low.

Recovering alcoholics have been known to relapse several times. Be supportive. She's going to need your help to keep her back on track.


I'm sorry your wife and mother to your child has relapsed back to being an alcoholic. :( Having had some experience with habitually drunk family members, I find this very sad. Have a long talk with her (when she's sober), and get her some help again. Be strong Op, your daughter will benefit more from having a mother who doesn't have her addiction controlling her. :p

I know that I posted on the comment above but I saw yours and felt inclined to comment. My father used to be a drunk when I was at about the same age as op's daughter. It was because my mother finally had enough of it and gave her terms did my father ever come around to reasoning and quit drinking. I do believe it is because of her that he quit and that I learned the morals that I did growing up to turn out the way I did. Op I can only hope that you and your wife succeed for your child's sake. She is at that impressionable age and I can only hope things go your way...

11- That "anything" being that she ACTUALLY drank it and not the five year old? It's a stretch but I think I'm sticking to my guns on this one.

At least you know that she knows that her drinking is bad, shown by the fact that she tried to hide it (I had an uncle who denied it for years) which is pretty important for a recovering alcoholic. But yeah, the blaming-on-her-daughter thing is pretty sad. Don't get too angry, but talk it out.

She is not admitting to relapsing though. She is still lying about it. I do agree that he needs to talk with her about it.

naughtylez82 4

I feel for your wife. It's hard with the temptation everywhere. I'm sorry she relapsed. But now she is going to need you more than ever. Stay strong op

Alcoholism does run in the family. But what a hideous thing to blame a five year old for. Sorry :/

I think you need to sit down and have a good talk... ... that daughter of yours might develop a problem in the future with alcohol!

Sounds like she's sunk about as low as one can possibly get. In all seriousness, this really bums me out. Consider staging an intervention for her, perhaps. At this point in time I think drastic measures should be taken.

desireev 17

Rehab, maybe? Alcoholism is a disease. One that needs to be treated ASAP. Get her into some sort of rehab. She needs to see a doctor before she ruins her marriage and her relationship with her daughter. FYL, OP! :(

Hopefully she won't say, "No, no, no". (:

This is a tough situation because many addicts do not want to hear their loved one's concern. Maybe you should stage an intervention and really try to get through to her that you and your child really need her to be sober.

YDI for having wine in the house of a recovering alcoholic. No sympathy for you.

MEM0817 18

How do you know that it was in the house and she didn't go buy it?...

Kind of annoying to find I get moderated for posting something not in the least offensive to anyone, to find a moderator posting something more offensive. Great moderating FML.