Call the fuzz

By elizabeth - 29/11/2012 08:01 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, I came home to my mother-in-law wearing the gold chain which I usually keep in a hidden drawer. I searched my drawer only to find out my chain was missing. I asked my mother-in-law if she took it and she keeps denying the fact that she stole it from me. My husband is on her side. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 634
You deserved it 1 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shows where your husbands loyalties lie.. Banish him to couch land until he takes your side.


Tell your husband you're not having sex until you find your chain. He'll believe you REALLY QUICKLY.

doglover100 28
Vegnas 13

Circumstantial evidence. You can't prove anything unless that gold chain has certain special markings.

onemorehuman 3

There are actually other possibilities. Perhaps it slipped behind the drawer, you didn't put it back like you remember. Make sure you find evidence if you think she stole it though. If you didn't then your husband was not completely wrong for standing up for her.

laurapiggy 3

D I V O R C E!!! Lose them both at the same time.

go kick her door down walk up to her drop her ass take the chain back and walk out like a boss

bobbigirl71 2

Omg,Wow,that's a triple whammy!Not only did Your Mother-in-law steal from You but You find out she's a thief!The worst part is She wears it in front of You and Your hubby defends her??I don't know what part Id b most offended at?Think I'd be getting a motel!Can You get ahold of her credit card??