But… why?

By Fmylife - 06/07/2011 09:17 - United States

Today, I have a cold. Trying to clear out my stuffy nose, I tried putting mouthwash in my nose. Thinking it was an awesome idea, I put some more in. I then starting screaming in pain due to the extreme burning in my nostrils. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 256
You deserved it 120 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how would putting mouthwash in your nose clear mucus? I've never heard of that before.

gatorsgirl 0


12dcevin 5
KaylieBieber13 0

says the one with Justin Beiber in ther photo

Your name and picture mean you have no right to call anyone a retard.


Damn I wish I would've thought of that! (dumbfuck)

You never thought to use oh, I don't know.. nasal spray? You idiot.

That's ridiculous. It didn't occur to you that putting any kind of alcoholic solution on an area of sensitive membrane might be damaging? Pick up a saline nasal spray from the pharmacy (or 'drug store', as you Americans like to put it).

uhm. why are you steriotyping? i call it a pharnacy. im from america. and there is a difference between a drug store and a pharmacy.

I've never heard anyone refer to a pharmacy as a "drug store." Convenience stores are sometimes called liquor stores or drug stores. A pharmacy is a pharmacy. The whole point of a convenience store is to sell a variety of items, closer to homes located further away from major stores.

I don't know anyone who calls a Pharmacy a drugstore. What are talking about?

TaylorTotsYumm 10

Obviously I've seen too many crappy movies. Pharmacy it is.

Oh, and 114, while we're not actually talking about convenience stores, the point of them is pretty obvious...

promisekept 2

Try putting lemon juice in your eye to distract from the pain in your nose. That is another awesome idea.