But… why?

By Fmylife - 06/07/2011 09:17 - United States

Today, I have a cold. Trying to clear out my stuffy nose, I tried putting mouthwash in my nose. Thinking it was an awesome idea, I put some more in. I then starting screaming in pain due to the extreme burning in my nostrils. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 256
You deserved it 120 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how would putting mouthwash in your nose clear mucus? I've never heard of that before.

gatorsgirl 0


TalkinSmack 6

u need help... from a highly trained mental professional

tayyters 4

even just eating a few halls work better than putting mouthwash in your nose but im going to guess you werent stuffed up anymore hopefully after all that burning

lmaoatall 6

it's people like you op that companies have to go the extra mile and put those WARNING labels on. most people read those and think duhhhh! but not you op. not you!!

tayyters 4

not if the 'people' like him arent going to sue them out of stupidity and ignoriance.

So OP is helping to supply jobs to the people who manufacture warning labels? How kind of her.

Really? You thought that it was a good idea to put mouthwash into your nose?

SirEBC 7

"Thinking it was an awesome idea.." Yes.

Why would mouthwash in your nose be an "awesome" idea? That's just plain stupid.

Rick_S 3

Your basic idea does have merit. They sell things called Neti-pots for this. You might want to try that, instead. I've used them, and there is NO burning.

lulu1918 0

If you did some research you would know that there is a sinus flush system... Netty Pot. look it up and buy one... its MEANT for your nose... mouthwash is for your MOUTH!!!!

SteelCladAngel 0

Neti but yea I love my Neti pot