
By morningeyes - 19/05/2009 14:19 - United States

Today, I was trying to remove a temporary tattoo my friend put on my cheek. When warm water and soap didn't work, I tried something else. Just so you know, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers do not, in fact, work by magic. Tell that to the massive chemical burn covering half my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 128
You deserved it 95 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

monkeyz0r 0

LOL fail one time i put a backyardigans tattoo on my ass and it stuck to my underwear

Smart. Not the best idea, now is it? Magic erasers are not for bodies.


I did that with permanent marker that was on my hand when they first came out...by the way, it's definitely NOT on a warning label at all.

alexgisforme3 0

for real...thats stupid. as helll. sorry tho

I've done that too. I had permanent marker all over my hands, and they burned for weeks, not to mention I had dry skin to begin with. There is NOTHING on the warning lable about it, and I did it to myself when they first came out. For the others replying, you CAN NOT smell the chemicals in it.

You ******* moron. Everyone with a fraction of a brain in their skull knows that rubbing alcohol works.

texmas stole what I would've post "You ******* moron. Everyone with a fraction of a brain in their skull knows that rubbing alcohol works." me now UR A PERFECT DEFINITION OF A RETARD YES A RETARD. YOU HEARD RIGHT RE- TARD go die and make this world a better place

Lmao, that's hilarious, YDI, but people are being really harsh with their comments.

grazynaanka 0

Magic Erasers do not contain any materials that could result in chemical burns. Um ever hear of rubbing alcohol. I mean because that's what you use when you need to remove a temporary tattoo. It's even listed on the directions.