
By Anonymous - 23/01/2012 14:19 - United States

Today, school tuition has taken up so much of my paycheck that the only thing I had to eat for dinner was applesauce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 748
You deserved it 3 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to increase your sauce of income somehow.

Garnish your Ramen noodles with it. Ramen is ******* delicious. Years of food for pocket change!


My tuition fee almost emptied my parents bank account,which made me felt like an whole asshole

yesyesnonono 10

Gotta love government help or lack thereof!

The trick is to stock up on ramen before tuition is due.

cooLING 0

I feel your pain right now as we speak...

RuskiManBearPig 4

How the hell did this go from applesauce to a debate about the morals of stripping?

Next time when deciding on a college consider things like cost, meal plans, and living in the dorms. I eat in our cafeteria every day, live in the dorm, and after scholarships, I paid less than 2,000 for the semester. Yay for division 2 schools!