
By Anonymous - 23/01/2012 14:19 - United States

Today, school tuition has taken up so much of my paycheck that the only thing I had to eat for dinner was applesauce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 748
You deserved it 3 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to increase your sauce of income somehow.

Garnish your Ramen noodles with it. Ramen is ******* delicious. Years of food for pocket change!


GoW_Chick 14

Everybody loves applesauce! Mmmm...applesauce, or if you don't want that try the dollar menu at various fast food places.

fattylumptard 1

Applesauce is cheaper than one dollar

kickuwithmyfist 1

Yesterday the total value of all the food I ate was 33p...

inomnomdinosaurs 4

Well someone is kinda cheap >.>

You lucky bastard! You still dare to complain when you have an applesauce for dinner! And I all get for today's dinner is soya sauce.

That suck's, but this isn't a "I GOT IT WORSE THAN YOU, HURR DURR" contest. Write an FML about it!

As a college student myself, I completely understand your pain. I'm averaging a single meal a day. And even then I'm mainly eating just plain pasta.

TheDrifter 23

Rice and salsa, my college staple, $14 a gallon for salsa, $1 a kilo for bulk rice = $30 a month for food. Man I'm glad those days are long over.

Finally going to have some variety! Thank you for that, I think you may have saved my sanity.

Too bad you are not in the Netherlands. A guy there just made some beautiful pancakes. He could have given you some in exchange for applesauce. FYL all across the Atlantic mate.

Oh well don't fritter on the issue, I suggest you get on your McIntosh, find some good deals at Groupon or something, and after you've red delicious deals, make a move on one that sounds scrumptious. P.S. Staty away from Granny Smith. She's a mean ol' coot.

I usually don't criticize someone's comment because I know I have enough bad ones to go around. Seriously though, your comment was horrible and you completely failed at, what I think is, an attempt to be funny.

GoW_Chick 14

I think there might of been some puns in there, but I'm just not so sure since I didn't laugh...

every1luvsboners 11

Yeah, we should bash someone for actually trying to make a creative comment. I do prefer the "lol" "ur gay" "ur fat" comments.

Thanks boners, nice to know I try and someone at least sees an attempt better than you dumb idiot and haha FAIL

GoW_Chick 14

I don't think you're either dumb, or an idiot, it was a nice attempt, I've had awful attempts at trying to be funny, they were bad, don't worry about assholes like me bashing your comment, in the end the only thing that matters is that you liked your comment.

DontClickOnMe 28

At least it's something. I wonder if the college diet is now going to consist of applesauce instead of ramen noodles... No, that would never happen.

every1luvsboners 11

If you bake 12 ounces of applesauce in the oven at 350 degrees for 26 minutes and it'll turn into a fillet mignon.