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By Noname - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to tell my super-conservative parents that I had just gone to visit the boyfriend I'm not supposed to have so that I could tell him I'm pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 493
You deserved it 57 877

Top comments

Flora_fml 6

Poor thing. This really sucks. I'm also sorry for all the negative comments you've received. No one knows your situation or what happened. It is true that when you choose to have sex that you choose to take on the risks involved, but as there are so many variables, it is unfair for anyone to judge you for your present situation. Try to take care of yourself, maybe look into some non-religious counseling, even if just a teenage hotline. Also try to remember that no matter who tries to tell you what- it's still YOUR body and YOUR decision.

Guys, maybe if she weren't raised by super conservatives she would've known more about protection, hm? Goes to show where abstinence only education gets you.


jayhawk63 0

25, lol at "the ass is like right next to the ******" ORLY? do you have a map?

girl_fml 0

obviously #28 didnt have conservative parents. it doesnt work like that. i am in college and havent even seen them in two months they still THINK they control me.

girl_fml 0
holynemesis1208 3

obviously you are definately mature enough to be having baby, since you thought it apporiate to post your situation so the world could laugh at you. nice call. at least name the baby something clever.

girl_fml 0

sorry i just always type like that.

Edmund_Dantes 0

#6, that's only true if you constitute "too stupid to use a contraceptive right" to be contraceptive failure.

#20- you're ******* stupid. Girl, don't worry. If your parents really care, they won't kill you. Pulling out is only SORT OF effective if the girl is not ovulating! You can't really tell However, semen can be in pre-jac and the guy might get too excited and be stupid. Sperm can live in the ****** for a couple days, resulting in failure. Plus it doesn't protect you against STD's!!! Its hard to get female contraceptives when your young, especially if your parents are always in your face. I'm sorry that happened, **** all the stupid people who all saying "anal" and what not. I can't believe there are guys who are willing to have anal w/o condoms. That's so dirty. Anyway... good luck and whatever you decide to do. :(

Firstly, I'd like to say ROFL @ the people taking #30 seriously. Gotta be about 10 times as stupid as YOU think HE is. Get a sense of ******* humor, rofl. SECONDLY, I'd like to tell #12 that they are seriously ****** up. The guy has a right to know, 23 chromosones EACH. The child isn't all hers.