Boring people

By Anonymous - 25/05/2016 07:53 - Australia - West Hoxton

Today, my coworker, who I'm secretly in love with, asked me what my plans for the weekend were. I thought she might have been about to ask me out, so I said that I had no plans. She then rolled her eyes and said that she hates talking to, "boring people who shut down every conversation starter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 471
You deserved it 1 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, wow. What a rude thing to say. As a socially awkward person who hates small talk, I would be mortified if someone said that to me.

What a bitch.... Better fish out there... OP keep looking


Wow. Why are you in love with her again?

next time someone you like asks that the appropriate response is "none I wouldn't break for the right person, but I'm..."

larkspur15 2

Sounds like you could do much better than someone as unkind as she is.

That just leaves one option left. And that option is to **** her right in the pussy.


Now is that really the kind of person you want to be in "love" with?

From discovery to 2000 something, wasn't that hundreds of years?

DeadxManxWalking 27

She asked you a question and you answered it!

SmittyJA24 26

I once had a lady ask me the same question (re my "weekend plans") & I replied with "Well, I haven't worked through the details for Saturday night but I did figure on cooking breakfast for you Sunday morning." Yeah ... that worked.

how rude, try to love someone with a loving personality, there are better girls out there. This is destiny telling you she isn't for you.

DeBosmash 4

Bad move. Never say you have nothing going on. Crap response from her but still a bad move