Biker troubles

By Crotch_Rocket_Rider - 06/10/2009 17:33 - United States

Today, when approaching a stop light on my motorcycle, I went to extend my left leg as usual to balance when stopped. Apparently my shoelace loop got wrapped around the shift lever and "tied" my shoe to the bike. It's hard to look cool when you fall over for no apparent reason at a stoplight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 686
You deserved it 7 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pancakes_n_syrup 0

Well at least you tried... I would have just watched and said FHL to the person inside

...You ride crotch rockets? Or should I dig my mind out of the gutter? Anyway... Pictured this and laughed hard.


That's why people where boots when riding motorcycles.

Wear descent motorcycle boots! Real boots dont have laces because of that!

jellenwood 35

That's why you wear boots that zip!

ccubsfan94 1

hence I dont wear shoes with laces