Better late than never

By onehundredpercenteffed - 14/08/2009 01:46 - United States

Today, my wife thought it would be fun to bring in one of her girlfriends for a threesome. Because of the friend, I now know what my wife sounds like when she's having a REAL orgasm. Five years and two kids into our marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 539
You deserved it 21 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OMG! A girl is better at giving another girl an ******?!?!?! ALERT THE PRESSES!!!!!!!!

You're seriously whinging about getting a threesome?


sunkissdluster 0

Sorry but if you bring another person into the bedroom, you have to be willing to accept that the 3rd person might be better at it than you! That's the chances you take in your relationship if you bring someone new into the picture. I am open-minded, but I often find people don't think these actions through. It's usually not worth the threesome in the end, because you end up suffering in the marriage. Sorry but YDI. And she deserves years without an ****** for taking this situation lightly and for not cluing you in on how to get her off.

hmmmmm you get to **** two girls at once and you find some way to bitch about it? jesus your life must be ****** if getting to bone your wife and one of her friends somehow turns into a bad thing

Listen man, she's your wife, not some trophy bitch you're out to impress. If you weren't satisfying her, she should have done the mature thing and discussed it with you. In my opinion, her fault for faking it.

291togo 0

Who actually gives a shit if she's been faking it. If she's not having an ******, then it's her problem. As long as I get mine, I'm good.

lmmmr 0

And that's why you will be alone forever.

Really? 5 years married and you haven't figured it out yet? There is a near infinite amount of resources that can help you with your problem. You obviously have the internet, why not use it for something productive?

i think ive seen this on friends. your wife might be a lesbian ha. and are you really complaining about a threesome? youre dumb, find her clit and learn how to use it.

deaditegirl 0

Wow. YDI for not knowing how to pleasure her (or spot a fake ******) after 5 years.

I hope you were paying attention so you can please your wife from now on.