Bedtime story

By Hellau - 29/12/2008 10:56 - France

Today, I was babysitting four rather noisy and rowdy kids. After a two-hour struggle, I finally managed to get them into bed. I then asked them what they wanted before going to sleep. The eldest replied: "Can you tell us a story where you die at the end?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 420
You deserved it 3 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Brandosyn 0

Should be no problem as long as the story ended with you dying while taking them with you in a blaze of glory...

Heh...either you managed to annoy him in some manner or he's just one of those kids who is interested in death. One of the kids I tutor, a very cheerful child otherwise, is always going off on xxx killed yyy or xxx killed god. Probably because it gets a rise out of his mom. I think I would have just told the story....well, the first chapter. The only story where I die at the end is my autobiography. "You asked for it, Kid. My autobiography, chapter 1: birth..." Then I would threaten to tell the next chapter next time.


this is where you make up a story about how you wait til they're in bed, then you lock them in their rooms and set the house on fire, but you don't get away in time and burn with them

ha. I remember saying mean things to my babysitter even though I didn't dislike her.


That is so freaking messed up

Gut_fml 4

Hahahahahaha! I read this in the FML book. Even funnier the 2nd time!

I think it could use some other fear-inducing elements, too. :-P

L1LK3V13 0

Kids say the darndest things, don't they?

sarah56195 0

I laughed so hard at this one. Lololol

Nanael_fml 4

You should tell them one where a burglar breaks in and kills them all and then you last

IMthephoenix 12

Sounds like my children. I apologize on behalf of their mom!