Be more specific

By readytoamputatemyfeet - 30/06/2013 23:00 - United States - Winter Springs

Today, my shoe fell apart a few minutes after I got to work. I called my boyfriend and asked him to bring me the "pretty black pair" in my closet. What did he bring? Black stilettos. I'm a waitress with an eight-hour shift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 547
You deserved it 32 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess if you say 'pretty black pair' it makes your boyfriend think of a shoe like that. Maybe just say 'black pair' next time.

ShadowBox 8

At least they were YOUR stilettos, right?


Well you did tell a guy "pretty black pair" I would have brought you the same thing as would most men

BDA_fml 5

What's the matter, aren't your stilettos pretty??

You said the pretty ones. those are the ones he thinks are pretty. it's a bummer you have to wear them for 8 hours. at least he brought them to you.

hey he tried haha, and maybe those were the "pretty black pair" he thought of?

sugarbaby9908 20

That could make you get better tips...may not be a bad thing

My thoughts exactly #98. As a guy with common I know not to do that but as a troll, I would have brought them and showed her those first as a laugh then given her whatever other black pair I found.

red61977 9

You need to be more specific with guys.

CanyonRose 16

He's a guy. What'd you expect. He thinks the stilettos are pretty.

When a guy is specifically told "pretty black shoes," as opposed to just "black ones," he's going to think, "She must mean those ridiculous high heels, not the practical shoes I would've brought her."

That's just insinuating he thinks she's ridiculous. What's ridiculous is that he obviously didn't think it through. If she wears flats to work (which she probably does considering she was unhappy with the heels) he should have looked for shoes similar to her work shoes. Just because he's a man doesn't mean he can't turn his brain on long enough to be a caring boyfriend. And if he's just a little dumb, he should have called her back to double check.