Basic bitch

By snarly1 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss asked me what language I was speaking. I was clearly speaking English, but apparently, "indifferent" is too big a word for him to understand. I don't know how he got into a management position. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 427
You deserved it 2 180

Top comments

cptmorgan6 8

So you thought it would be a good idea to bring that word to FML? The place where illiteracy breeds and people don't know your from you're?


Intelligence is sadly not a requirement for management and in some cases is considered a detriment toward gaining the position.

It's the American disease, being promoted to a position of incompetence.

Dude, I said condescending once, and someone called me a paki. The world isn't, and will never be, fair.

Scynistr 20

I took business administration.. It's not hard to get into management.. You don't even need a degree.. Just a certificate or a ton of experience at wherever you work.

Steve_Dudley_UK 10

Indifferent. That means anal sex right?

When I was in high school (in NYC) we were studying the book "Anthem" by Ayn Rand and nobody in the class knew what the title meant. As english was my second language I was positive I must be wrong. Turns out nobody knew what "anthem" means or that the Anthem of the US exists for that matter. I was in the honors class....

tiptoppc 19

Look up “The Peter Principle.” That’s how…