Basic bitch

By snarly1 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss asked me what language I was speaking. I was clearly speaking English, but apparently, "indifferent" is too big a word for him to understand. I don't know how he got into a management position. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 427
You deserved it 2 180

Top comments

cptmorgan6 8

So you thought it would be a good idea to bring that word to FML? The place where illiteracy breeds and people don't know your from you're?


keshaforever1 14

I would quit my job,nobody should work for a idiot :I

Benabus... you make me want to punch you so hard that your 'grammar' comes out your pussy.

IF you answer a boss about how you feel about your job and you answer indifferent, it is a chance to reconsider the answer "indifferent" to something more along the line of "I'd like more responsibility and pay because I really like this job." Perhaps he was giving you that chance.

Who says the boss was asking OP how they felt about their job?

3vilCandy 2

if you live in south africa, its probably because he's black (BEE)

So you have an ignorant boss, most of do.

brick_man33 14

is your boss chumlee from pawnstars? what a dumbass