Basic bitch

By snarly1 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss asked me what language I was speaking. I was clearly speaking English, but apparently, "indifferent" is too big a word for him to understand. I don't know how he got into a management position. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 427
You deserved it 2 180

Top comments

cptmorgan6 8

So you thought it would be a good idea to bring that word to FML? The place where illiteracy breeds and people don't know your from you're?


uy_fml 4

He's indifferent to English. :/

It's a complimicated word! That's the sort of edumacation it takes to be a manager! A full undermastanding of the engrish language!

17 - maybe you should spend less time moaning about spelling and learn how to take a joke?!

calo97 0

Oh my God,shut the hell up,you dumb son of a bitch.I'm a grammar and spelling nazi up to a point,but you're just being a dick who apparently doesn't know shit about what a joke is.You're one of those people that doesn't grasp the concept of common sense at all.So please,take your foolishness somewhere else and leave us be.

ninjuh_wingman 29

Indifferent is a very difficult word. Its like combining in and different. My edumacation cant handle such big words.

TheSnakeDoctor20 17

25 - You're determined to make a complete arse of yourself, aren't you?

gabrielbaby 9
tweetypie 18
Capt_Oblivious 10

Those who can, do. Those who can't, those who are family, or those who have 'dirt' on someone higher up usually end up in those positions.

hateevryone 14
perdix 29

If he asks you to use the word in a sentence, say, "Anal sex is for guys who want to go indifferent." You're pretty naive if you correlate management rank with intelligence. If anything, it's often an inverse relationship.

White_like_dat 3
Capt_Oblivious 10

Wait, I know this word; Indifferent - My girlfriend likes it when I put it 'in different'