Baseless accusation

By 00sasori - 27/03/2013 05:41 - Canada - Vancouver

Today, I was on a bumpy bus ride and had to write a note, so I held my notebook against the bus window to steady my hand. An elderly woman then yelled at me, accusing me of drawing graffiti on the window. The bus driver kicked me off and I had to wait an hour in the rain for the next bus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 236
You deserved it 3 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zommie 2

Learn to stick up for yourself OP.


sugarshane007 20

Yesterday she gets trolled by a quick thinking boyfriend via text message, and today, her wrath is felt for over an hour, in the rain. Well played lady, well played.

ya but when the bus driver came to kick you off, you could of showed him your note and explained what happened,

Not everyone listens. The bus driver may not have cared and just wanted a fast solution. He probably thought it better to kick OP off rather than the elderly. If a scene was ensuing between them both, they should both be off the bus. Better than under it...

Sucks for you, but maybe you could turn it in to a country song and make a few bucks.

they can, only one their significant other leaves them & they lose their job! Lol

What is it with people on fml not being able to stand up for themselves and explain the situation.

What exactly did the OP get kicked off the bus for? Most likely it was because he probably made a huge scene and cursed out that old lady for wrongfully accusing him. I doubt it was because he solely couldn't prove that he wasn't drawing graffiti.

The story is not completely true. I was right there seated on the adjacent seat. The old lady had only requested you to stop playing on the window that was causing her disturbance. In response to which you scribbled indecent words for the lady. Be glad that you were only asked to change the bus.

Honestly, if you're going to pretend you were actually there, at least say something witty or amusing. Otherwise you just look like a liar and an idiot.

perdix 29

It's OK to think privately to yourself that old people ought to be euthanized, but it's stupid to write it down in public.

Wizardo 33

**** old people sometimes man, just **** them...

BlitzPKF 10

This is why I don't like elderly they always feel like they're so important and ruin people's day.