Bad tipper, good shitter

By kmctl - 20/05/2015 18:40 - United States - San Francisco

Today, some guy walked into the restaurant I work at and ordered enough food to serve the entire National Guard of Texas. He thanked us by leaving a $0.50 tip and shitting on the bathroom floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 015
You deserved it 2 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sneado 20

Looks like that's the perfect time to slip out on your break or lunch.

Shadowvoid 33

That's an awkward experience, I certainly hope this isn't a normal occurrence where you work. I hope you get better tips and customers in the future


freddy562 8

As a fellow restaurant employee... I can vouch some restaurant customers can be just the worst kind of people. I hope it wasn't you that had to clean up that mess!! And whenever I receive such horrible tips (especially with tips as change/coins) I always give it back to them like oh and here's your change!). They must obviously need it more than you do. Meh.

That's pretty rude to be honest, those people are presenting you with their own generosity at their expense and you, what, give it back because you want more money? Tips are a luxury for good service, maybe you'd get better tips if you served people better, rather than complaining about tips!

xluciferx666 21

That sucks OP. I hope you get better tips in and sanitary customers in the future

Long live the US and A and their beautiful people

I'll never be able to understand some people. You don't treat your home this way, so why is it acceptable to go into a public restroom, shit on the floor, leave giant pads/tampons in the toilet, not flush etc? It's ******* DISGUSTING.

crackajak 15

I've never understood why tip amounts correlate with the price of a meal. Why do I need to tip more for a $25 steak over a $10 burger. The waiter provided no extra service, they merely carried the plate. In a perfect world the chef with the actual skill would be tipped.

t's not a perfect system, but in general, a more expensive meal requires a more expensive tip because the more money spent in general correlates to a longer meal. You're going to spend more time sitting and enjoying a steak than a burger, and a steak is more expensive than a burger. If you're in a large group, you're probably also going to take longer than a small group to enjoy your meal, along with having a bigger bill.

You tip more on a bigger meal because your server has to tip out more on it. At most restaurants, your server has to tip out the busser based on a percentage of their sales (say 2%). If you tip $2 on a $10 meal, they have to tip out 2% of that $10. If you tip $2 on a $25 meal, they still have to tip out 2%, so when you undertip or don't tip based on your philosophical ideals, you're screwing a person who makes below minimum wage. The place I work does not do an automatic gratuity on large checks, so it's not uncommon for large parties of cheap people to pick our establishment to patronize because they can run the server ragged, get everything they want and then leave $5 on a $300 check because they suck. In effect, when you don't tip or tip very poorly, I am paying for the "pleasure" of waiting on you. It's a shitty system, yes, but until the greedy people who own restaurants change the way they pay their employees, it's the way it is.

he doesn't have to leave a tip your paid to do that job ydi