Back in 2009…

By awkwardgayboi - 11/03/2009 18:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I decided to have our first "Cybering" experience. I downloaded Skype per his instructions, and hooked up my cam. Just as everything started getting hot and heavy, I farted. He stopped and frowned. I had no idea it was a video AND voice program. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 918
You deserved it 92 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well. On the bright side, we have yet to come up with technology to share smells online...

WSUlife19 0

And you being able to hear him wasn't a clue?


MCart_fml 0

Right on #29, didn't anyone else see the south park about farting in moderation? If you don't fart you spontaneously combust ;)

you're fault for not knowing it had voice too

greatnt249 0

"All people fart. He needs to grow up." I would like all people who share this sentiment to report back how easy it was to get back in the mood after your partner blasted some gas during. It's not a huge deal in the long run, but at the moment, it's a real mood killer. It isn't about growing up; I don't blame the dude for being jarred out of the mood.

So, things got "hot and heavy" without you realizing that you could hear each other....o rly...

So, you farted, big ******* deal. Feed him spicy food and let HIM spoil the mood.

wrestler_fml 0

That's what you get for being a f*g, disgusting, AND retarded- all at the same precise, very forgettable moment!

teehee, that's hilarious. Everyone farts!

hahaha. that sucks. but seriously, if you could hear him, why didn't you think he could hear you?

So you are saying that both of you were jacking off and didnt make a SINGLE noise, so the fart was the very first one? hmmm

yeah i agree you should def laugh things off however....barfing in someones mouth is just gross and completely avoidable....