
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Astoria

Today, a stranger nearly beat the crap out of my boyfriend for being a pedo. I ended up showing the guy my driving license to prove I'm not a pre-teen and that I'm just freakishly young looking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 178
You deserved it 1 067

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Tell your boyfriend to shave his mustache and get rid of the white van. He should also stop advertising free candy.

I understand how he feels. My girlfriend is 22 and looks like she's about 14 because she is only about 5 feet tall and has a baby face. I constantly get crap from friends and relatives, and threats from other people. But if it's right, don't give up!


For that reason I'm afraid of holding my boyfriends hand or kissing him in public. I'm 4'11, 90 pounds and rarely wear make-up.

One time a waiter asked my boyfriend if I wanted a kids menu I'm 20 he's 22. He thought it was hilarious until he realized she thought he was my dad.

! when i was 16, a police officer stopped my dad and was gonna give him a ticket because "sir, legally your child should be in a booster seat. she is too young and too small to not have a booster seat." and my dad was confused. he said "what child?" turned out the cop was talking about me (the only one in the back seat) and the cop thought i was 7. to this day, my parents wont let me live that down. they made me use a booster until i turned 18 and had an id to prove it. (just to be safe. -_-)

I get something like that, except opposite. While I look younger than I am, my husband (2 years younger than me) looks freakishly young. I've often had people tell me, especially when my kids were in elementary school, "I didn't know you had a college's age son!" Always fun when I get to tell them he's my husband. It doesn't happen as much now. Instead, it's my husband and 15 year old daughter. They were at a rally in a college town. Some people they had been chatting with invited them to a hookah bar later. My daughter pipes up "I can't, I'm only 15", which of course gets them really weird looks until my husband explained he's her step-dad.

But is he into really young looking girls, or into you?

The trouble is that TV even now often uses 22, 23 year olds to act 15, 16 year old characters. This results in a skewed outlook on how old people look in most of the western world. I have the same issue. But so do most of my 23 year old friends.

I know this feel. My boyfriend is 23 but constantly gets mistaken for being around 30, I'm 21 and have had plenty of people assume I'm about 16-17. We've had a few people look at us weirdly but never anyone say anything.

People should just mind their own business.

middlenamefrank 8

In a couple of decades, you're going to LOVE being that young-looking.

Obviously not, have you seen the comments? Anyone attracted to us are apparently pedophiles

i am hoping that when im 40, i finally look 20. also hoping that when im 40, life wont hit me like a train and habe me looking 60 lol.

Doesn't that technically make him a pedo? If he's attracted to people who look like underage people?

Yes, being attracted to someone when you know they are of age means you like underage people. Like being attracted to someone underage even after learning such is fine because they look older, right? The age should be the big thing there ********

he probably is a pedo & thats why he likes that you look so young