
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Astoria

Today, a stranger nearly beat the crap out of my boyfriend for being a pedo. I ended up showing the guy my driving license to prove I'm not a pre-teen and that I'm just freakishly young looking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 178
You deserved it 1 067

Top comments

Tell your boyfriend to shave his mustache and get rid of the white van. He should also stop advertising free candy.

I understand how he feels. My girlfriend is 22 and looks like she's about 14 because she is only about 5 feet tall and has a baby face. I constantly get crap from friends and relatives, and threats from other people. But if it's right, don't give up!


Mathalamus 24

id state my stance on the issue of pedophilia, if i wasn't afraid that no one will even try to understand the point i am making. (obviously, its negative, but a different kind of negative than usual.)

tarlax 11

Jeez, either say it or don't. Don't post pretentious comments that basically say "I'm too intelligent for you peons". They pretty much invite the very criticism you're so afraid of. Then again, asking Mathalamus not to be pretentious is like asking water not to be wet, so I guess I'm the real idiot here.

Mathalamus 24

if you really want to know, i declared pedophilia to be a mental illness, and should get help for it. if you haven't committed any crimes of that nature. unfortunately, sources of help for people who are pedophiles is very limited, if it exists at all. to date, I'm the only one who seems to realize that it actually is a mental illness, and should be treated as such. you may think I'm being pretentious, but i think you are just being extremely hostile for no reason.

tarlax 11

That's it? That's your "controversial" opinion? If you think that believing pedophilia to be a mental illness puts you in a minority in your area, you might just live at NAMBLA's headquarters. And if I seem hostile, it's mainly because almost every single comment I see you make is just some thinly veiled excuse to jerk off your own ego and portray yourself as a misunderstood genius. It's pretty ridiculous.

You are being pretentious. "I declared it a mental illness," indeed. man, give it a break. To date, you're the only one who managed to be this incredibly ridiculous about a very, VERY pedestrian opinion.

"I declare" as if this nincompoop came up with the idea. It is a mental illness but I prefer not to mess around with the safety of children. So I would rather throw their scumbag asses in jail where they belong.

rldostie 19

Actually, there are studies and psychologists who approach pedophilia as a mental illness that can be treated (to a degree). There was a controversial article written on it in the last year or so in the New York Times (I believe). The psychologist has some interesting, if very disturbing, insight on pedophilia and was trying to open more doors for treatment and help individuals self identify. It was hard to read but eye opening. The goal of such treatment is to keep pedophiles from acting on their dangerous, harmful, and illegal impulses.

36, that's the point. This guy didn't come up with shit, he just jerked his ego. It's like those king of the hill episodes where Peggy acts like she came up with everything, comically ridiculous.

I'm not even sure if the guy is self-aware, tbqh. Makes me feel kind of bad to bag on him.

I've been there, only it was because I looked and sounded like I was 25 when I was 16. I went to pick my date up and the father threatened to beat the crap out of me if I came near his daughter again. What's even funnier was that she was older than me! After I showed him my driver's license and school ID he apologized. I suppose it also didn't help that I drove a van with tinted windows...

bobsanction 18

I work with a girl like that. She's 4'6 and has like, no ****.

I know a couple people that had that problem. they fixed it by getting tasteful tattoos. immediately marks you as an adult since you have to be 18 to get them.

you can also be 16 with parents permission and signature but I see what you mean ☺

I've known several people to get tattoos underage, either by doing them themselves at home or going somewhere really dodgy. My ex had his first tattoo at the age of 13 because his dad's friend was a tattoo artist and was willing to tattoo him for some reason. Needless to say, it was a pretty poor tribal piece and he regretted it within a couple of years.

He might be a closet pedo sad to say. His reason for being with you might just be because you look young.

How in the hell did you draw that conclusion? You have absolutely NOTHING on OP's bf for you to come to such a conclusion. Your comment shows just how ignorant your thought process is to be honest. And personally, I have been confused for a preteen many times. I guess personality played zero part in getting me a boyfriend because according to your logic, every single one of my exes are pedophiles. Smh.

I can understand. I look, and kinda dress, like I'm in high school so the only people attracted to me ,outside of friends that already know and are in college with me, are high schoolers. I took a driving class, it was all high schoolers except one guy. Some girls asked me who I thought was cute. Nobody because just no and also that would be kinda creepy. A classmate's younger sister looks older than me, and I'm older him! I even got a lollypop at the pharmacy because the guy thought I was in middle school. I'm pretty sure the only reason I don't get carded at the grocery store is because my mom talks to the people there and they recognize me by now since it's just down the street.

I understand her pain. 19, look to be 14

It sucks. Someone at a store once called the cops on my husband because he looks 30+ (being 6'4" and 360lbs didnt help him either lol) and i was about 8 months pregnant (at 4'9", 117 lbs with the pregnancy) and i looked 13 (16 on a regular day. my pregnancy glow made me look even younger.) anyways, we also had to show ID to show that im actually older than him and that i was 21. it gets annoying. i hate when they insinuate that he would sleep with an underage girl just because he is attracted to me and say he's a pedo either way. :/ you're not alone in this struggle, op!

That's terrible that you had to prove to the cops that he wasn't creepy :( But your family is absolutely adorable!!!

thanks #49! im still figuring out fml so i didnt know how to check back for responses. i had to read through every fml to find my comment lol. we still get the people asking for id and the dirty looks. being interracial, the height and weight difference, the "age" difference (everyone assumes we are 10 years apart because i look young but im 2 weeks older than him lol) and the people harrassing him saying he's a child molester for being attracted to someone who looks young (load of bull doo doo really) but our genes together made a happy and cute baked potato so people will have to deal with it!

I hate looking so much younger than I am. People are shocked when I tell them I'm actually older than the drinking age limit.