
By dinomite - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I quit my job after I overheard my boss doing a 'hysterical' impression of me telling her about my dad's heart condition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 626
You deserved it 3 817


perdix 29

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zourwolfe 0

you fail, perdix. 99% of your comments suck. I don't get why people think your funny.

sparta98 4

She's not being neurotic, you nimrod. Her (his?)boss was inappropriately mocking her and her father. The OP finally had enough of that bitch and left.

So prove that you're funnier so people will love you more and you can stop acting like a jealous douche.

Zou, prove you are funnier so we can all love you more and you can atop acting like a jealous douche. Baka. OP, get that tart fired. That boss doesn't deserve her place. Perdix you have a point.

zourwolfe 0

So it's neurotic and over dramatic to be upset when telling someone that someone you love has a serious, possibly fatal condition? Are you also a sociopath that eats people's livers with fava beans and a nice chianti? With that level of empathy, I wouldn't be surprised.

okmankk 4

hope u gave ur boss a massive piece of ur mind before u left.

maybe u should have stayed on and don't do ur work to get him into trouble. that will show him!!!

No. That would have gotten the OP fired. Moron.

Nah, sometimes the boss gets shit from -their- boss when one of their employees doesn't do their work.

Fedele94 0

that's f**ked up. u don't deserve ppl like tht in ur life. go get a job with respectful ppl and thatll make ur day

I sure hope that you have it to him good, before you left. He really needs to be punched in the face. Sorry to hear about your father. god bless your family.

I think this is the first FYL comment I have given.

cindayy77 0

that really sucks, your ex-boss is an ass

if the company was not a small one, I would have taken that shit straight to HR and claimed a "hostile work environment". the boss would then be in deep shit and you would be golden.

Charming boss you had there.... just be happy you don't have to work for an asshole like that anymore