Are straight men OK?

By Unloving - 31/12/2009 21:47 - United States

Today, a man proposed to me in classic style on one knee. Unfortunately, I have been telling this man for the last two months that I don't even want to date him. He thinks I'm playing hard to get and is not giving up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 171
You deserved it 5 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's alittle creepy. I gotta say. Sorry.

Tell him to buy you a new Lexus and then you'll think about it. If he does it, tell him you think he's insane and you just don't see yourself spending the rest of your life with an insane person (but thank him for the car). If he doesn't do it, tell him he obviously doesn't really love you. Either way, you win. There's always a positive side to every bizarre situation.


Rebecca1993 0

Aw that sucks.. I know how you feel, kinda. I'm sixteen so I've never had anyone propose to me, but there's a guy who's been after me for almost a year and a half. He doesn't take any hints, and I've told him straight up, "HEY! I don't like you." But nevertheless, he texts me and calls me daily, despite the fact that I almost never reply. When he sees me at school he talks to me and tries to ask me out even though I reject him every time. Guys can be the biggest idiots. But I mean, girls can be too, so yeah (:

That's some Michael Scott stuff right there haha

jakeidk 0

either this guy is a lunitic or you're an awesome person, but probably a little of both

i know how you feel, almost exact thing happened to me like a year ago, i felt like crying everytime i alked to the guy, the poor man :_(

I think it's time to reject him publicly. And loudly.

lmaoatyourlife 0

Arghh what a weirdo, FYL indeed!!! Just get with him, but be the worst girlfriend ever, stand him up, miss phone calls, don't let him touch you and maybe even cheat a little. Problem solved.

alphatoomega 21

Then he spreads rumors about how unpleasant she is to date and it gets harder for her to do so with people she actually likes. What does that accomplish?

get a restraining order. problem solved

GiRIsMakingCupca 0